This week has been interesting...
I made my first facebook account thing and I have no idea what to do with it. And people keep asking me to be their friend. Even someone from seventh grade at school. *sigh~* I guess this is what facebook is about. I mean some people have like 1000 friends, and I only have 14 friends.
I am ashamed of myself because I don't have much friends...
But the good thing is that, no wait this is bad thing. My dad is still in Japan and I miss him~! I think he's coming back on Monday. *sniff* I even cried since he was gone for so long. Wow, I am a crybaby just thinking about how I do things. Well, I'm happy that I'm me!! NO one will beat me at being myself. The thing that I like about myself that I'm always positive, and thankful.
Wow, I mean look at what I'm saying now. I'm must be different from people at school. Well, I am aren't I? Yeah, I'm a 2nd generation of ffwpu (blessed children).