Saturday, September 18, 2010

I haven't been posting for a while

Exactly what the title says, I need to update my happenings for the weeks I missed.

Today was an usual day. I chatted with other people that I normally don't talk to. This maybe because I feel lonely and want to get more social. I think I like being social. :)

I took a color personality assessment thing in Life Issues (health). It was something like this website:
It consist of gold, white, blue, and red. I got the color blue. It's suppose to mean I am going to be a good friend? And my teacher also said that if I have another friends who is a blue color, she/he and me will be the bestest of friends for a very long time (a life long?).

Running in the rain is sure a dramatic thing. But in PE????
As if it's a 'must-do' thing. Capture the flag is sure a fun sport and I can get rid of my stress but mostly what it did was left me more! Ugh. I even got tackled and I'm hurt; mud's are over my PE clothes and *sigh*.


The Junior High.
I've been spending time here at the new school for what, two weeks now? Something like that.
Guess what?

I actually met some people who I might able to call 'friends'. But it's only a few so if they're absent, I just wonder around the building at lunch.

It's been quite tough for the first couple of days but now I have gotten use to the other human beings that I'm not familiar with.

The education here is incredibly easy compared to NC. This part just does NOT fit me; I feel like I do not belong to this kind of environment. What I had known for are AIG, GE, and what the LEAP? But here it is called the PAGE. Before I even get accepted, I need to take a test to see how well I can do. A little nervous (@_@;)

Now it is beginning to rain. A lot. DRIZZLING & SPRINKLING. So I get wet every now and then, when I walk home from school. I actually don't walk all the way, but like half-way between so my mom can pick me up where the cars aren't crowded.