Today was one of my favorite days of the year. Where everyone (mostly Asians) gather, eat food, play games. Basically to have a great time. Though I do that every
day, what made this day special compared to any other day was because of Japanese Summer Festival.
I haven't gone anywhere over the summer, except to grocery shopping and frequent driving lessons by Mum. So I was really excited for the festival, the most enjoyable activity I had was goldfish scooping (金魚掬い kingyo sukui, to be more accurate). Here's what should've looked like:
You see, there's a couple swimming in that bowl. MY bowl = O a big fat O. Yeah, pathetic. Doing it for the first time may have been a contributing factor. . .
After, my mum had bought my family a drink, which was frozen. So I had done what anyone would've done in a car. Warm it up with your hands to the extreme, with intense pressure.