Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's been decided!!!

I am going to Japan!!!
The day is Oct. 4, so in a week. I'm going to stay for like 5 days since I have to attend school the next week. But that week, there's a teacher workday or something so I'll miss for three days.

I am going back to where my father lived, in the country. Where the house is so old that it might crash down when another storm hits. Hopefully that does not happen when I'm there. Just in case, I'm going to bring my laptop, even though the house does not have internet. So I'll borrow from a cafe???

Wish me luck that plane won't fall...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I haven't been posting for a while

Exactly what the title says, I need to update my happenings for the weeks I missed.

Today was an usual day. I chatted with other people that I normally don't talk to. This maybe because I feel lonely and want to get more social. I think I like being social. :)

I took a color personality assessment thing in Life Issues (health). It was something like this website:
It consist of gold, white, blue, and red. I got the color blue. It's suppose to mean I am going to be a good friend? And my teacher also said that if I have another friends who is a blue color, she/he and me will be the bestest of friends for a very long time (a life long?).

Running in the rain is sure a dramatic thing. But in PE????
As if it's a 'must-do' thing. Capture the flag is sure a fun sport and I can get rid of my stress but mostly what it did was left me more! Ugh. I even got tackled and I'm hurt; mud's are over my PE clothes and *sigh*.


The Junior High.
I've been spending time here at the new school for what, two weeks now? Something like that.
Guess what?

I actually met some people who I might able to call 'friends'. But it's only a few so if they're absent, I just wonder around the building at lunch.

It's been quite tough for the first couple of days but now I have gotten use to the other human beings that I'm not familiar with.

The education here is incredibly easy compared to NC. This part just does NOT fit me; I feel like I do not belong to this kind of environment. What I had known for are AIG, GE, and what the LEAP? But here it is called the PAGE. Before I even get accepted, I need to take a test to see how well I can do. A little nervous (@_@;)

Now it is beginning to rain. A lot. DRIZZLING & SPRINKLING. So I get wet every now and then, when I walk home from school. I actually don't walk all the way, but like half-way between so my mom can pick me up where the cars aren't crowded.