Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mariners game

For the last memories of 2010 summer, I saw the Seattle Mariners vs. Minnesota Twins game on live!! I got to say I'm not much of a baseball fan but actually seeing on live is worth to remember. It's really different than just watching on TV since you can see the game from different angles.

The fouls balls went out to the audience and unfortunately, I caught none of them... well, you don't expect to catch one when your 32 rows away from the diamond square.

Soon, I will be expecting to go fishing somewhere this weekend. Today, I'm hoping, but maybe next week.

The school is finally starting on Thursday next week. *sigh*~ the summer is finally over. Not that I want it to.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Prep Day

Today was a prep day.

What it did:

*give forms and all the other stuff like registration, allergy info, permission forms, etc...
*take pictures for yearbook/ID card(before school starts??? Kind of strange, don't you think?)
*schedule! (scroll down)
*textbooks (only two, lucky~)=World History, Geometry
*athletic uniform for phys edu

My schedule turned out to be like this:

1. Life Issues (health)

2. Ss9 Wldsty H (I think it says social studies 9, World studies Honors)

3. Physical Science (this part would be Earth Science back in Carrboro) *sigh*~

4. Geometry (no honors available [kinda sucks])

5. En9 Wldsty H (English World studies honors)

6. Fitness 9

That was how exactly the schedule looked like with room numbers and teacher names without my parenthesis thoughts.

And let me explain it a little further...

So, health is semester long. Normal. Social Studies and English, they're pairing courses, which means that you do both honors or none. And those are the only honor courses available in Kalles (the school I'm attending). Ok, Physical science is what it seems like Earth science from the way they're taught, with different names, I think. WHAT THE HECK!!! I wanted to take Biology HONORS and they don't have it! I am so telling the principal that I need and must take biology and my pride depends on it! UGH! Math is gonna suck this year also. Every math class I've ever took has been ridiculously easy, so no problem, I'll just watch the clouds float in the sky during class, AGAIN. English, 'nuff said. Ahhh~ P. E. they are called fitness here, not that strange. Except that I always have gym the last period since middle school (still in it tho)! I don't have to go into detail for that.

Hmm... my ID card picture look awful...and that's the yearbook, too. Great.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Japanese noodles at Bellevue, WA

I went to the supermall in Bellevue today~!

It was surprising huge, quite huge as Southpoint in Durham. Or bigger.

The place even had third story in Nordstrom and at the main hall, but not always. Sometimes I forgot if I was on which floor and had to count by the stairs and escalators.
Outside, I found The Cheesecake Factory!! And the Magiano's Little Italy was also be seen on the map.

Where I went to get lunch was Boom Noodles. It was a Japanese noodle place that serves ramen, and soba, soups and mostly Asian food. I couldn't decide what to take since all of the food sounded so good! And I haven't had REAL Japanese ramen for a super long time. By what REAL means, I meant not instant noodles or dried packet ramen since I always eat those at home. But ooohhhh~ the fresh hot soup and pork toppings is the best!
This is what I chose to eat for the day: Miso Ramen~!

Sorry it kinda looks half eaten. Well, I had to nibble! I was starving!
The ingredients you see on the left is a triangle nori (seaweed).
And the left top corner looks to be the pork.
Plus tons of green onions just floating near the bottom.

Just a random cloud I took the other day. What does it look like to you?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I found out today that blackberries have been growing in nature somewhere in the neighborhood. I didn't get to see where but my sister had picked them and brought them to me. So nice to have fruits without paying money...!

It seems like people back in Chapel Hill already got their schedules and everything for high school. But me, I haven't even got a letter informing which school to attend to. Summer is almost gone, the clouds have overpowered the sun, and is getting colder everyday.

Friday, August 6, 2010


I ate went to 31 Baskin Robins today! It's just near the neighborhood so my my sister and I went to get some delicious ice cream!
Mine was actually frozen yogurt like the ones in TCBY. And it tasted awesome! Healthy, too.

Today was quite chilly as usual but still warm in the afternoon. My room's a bit cold though then the other rooms...

I will find some friends soon! But only when school starts. That's on Sept 1. Not the 25th in August. Heh, I get to rest a bit more! But have to stay in school longer in June...oh well.