Friday, December 18, 2009

As for snow...

I just got outside and saw how beautiful the snow was when I was in school today.
I thought normal people just play outside when they got home. I was wrong.
My friends were chatting on facebook!!

What I want for Christmas is snow. So that it would be white Christms.

Have a wonderful holiday everyone!!


  1. Well... You were on facebook also, you know. And I wasn't outside because the snow melted automatically and didn't freeze on the ground. I looked at it falling from inside the window, where it's warm and pleasant. We're supposed to get a total of 3-5 inches later, though!

  2. I know right! In Washington D.C. the got 2 feet of snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. kaelen the one and onlyDecember 22, 2009 at 6:37 PM

    ugh. lucky duckies! i love smow! it seemed colder today than it seemed when it was actually snowing, cuz the snow gives me warm fuzzies and makes me feel warm inside. aww, too bad 4 liza. we got like 4 inches @ my house but i never got out to play in it. there's still tiny patches left on the ground outside my house. they'll b gone by morning.
