Oh gosh! It's coming! I mean it came!
I can hardly wait to go see it tomorrow!
The last Harry Potter movie, part 1.
I'm watching it tomorrow, and go to Panera Bread for lunch. It's gonna be amazing and intense...! OHhh...
I wish it was tomorrow already.
Besides that, I'm reading the Cirque du Freak series and I am absolutely glued to it. I can't sleep at night because I want to know what's gonna happen next.
Also, my English class is starting to read the Animal Farm, but I already read it in the summer, so I mostly know what it's about. (_ _*)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Thanksgiving potluck
Church was great today, I got to eat tons of food, and I'm still full. Even after 5 hours.
Anyway, I made cookies that were incredibly crappy in health the other day. It so wasn't worth skipping breakfast for.
The before and after: Left is before the baking, and right is baked. Not much different is it? 'Cause there is no difference, the size pretty much didn't change at all.
The stuff that were in the cookies were macadamia nuts and white chocolate chips.
It sounds good, but the actual thing itself is really not that tastey.
I watched Avatar yesterday, it was awkward watching it with my sister and Dad...
Oh, I got the HBO channel for the flat screen tv so it really had some theater effects in the living room. :)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Boy, it's been a month since I last posted something on my blog. sorry, sorry. (>_<) Anyway, tomorrow is Halloween and I'm deciding that I'll stay home and watch some scary movies instead of trick-or-treating the neighborhood.
Two years ago, I did something similar because my mother told me that I shouldn't go. But this year, I do not feel like going. I know people are gonna tell me that you're never too old to go trick-or-treating, and I think so too. But I feel weird this time. I wanna go trick-or-treating 'til midnight, I wanna have my stomach filled with unhealthy, delicious sweets, I wanna stay at a party and watch scary movies til I'm scared to go to the bathroom alone.
But this year, I just have this feeling that I shouldn't go.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
It's been decided!!!
I am going to Japan!!!
The day is Oct. 4, so in a week. I'm going to stay for like 5 days since I have to attend school the next week. But that week, there's a teacher workday or something so I'll miss for three days.
I am going back to where my father lived, in the country. Where the house is so old that it might crash down when another storm hits. Hopefully that does not happen when I'm there. Just in case, I'm going to bring my laptop, even though the house does not have internet. So I'll borrow from a cafe???
Wish me luck that plane won't fall...
The day is Oct. 4, so in a week. I'm going to stay for like 5 days since I have to attend school the next week. But that week, there's a teacher workday or something so I'll miss for three days.
I am going back to where my father lived, in the country. Where the house is so old that it might crash down when another storm hits. Hopefully that does not happen when I'm there. Just in case, I'm going to bring my laptop, even though the house does not have internet. So I'll borrow from a cafe???
Wish me luck that plane won't fall...
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I haven't been posting for a while
Exactly what the title says, I need to update my happenings for the weeks I missed.
Today was an usual day. I chatted with other people that I normally don't talk to. This maybe because I feel lonely and want to get more social. I think I like being social. :)
I took a color personality assessment thing in Life Issues (health). It was something like this website: http://www.colorcode.com/personality_test/
It consist of gold, white, blue, and red. I got the color blue. It's suppose to mean I am going to be a good friend? And my teacher also said that if I have another friends who is a blue color, she/he and me will be the bestest of friends for a very long time (a life long?).
Running in the rain is sure a dramatic thing. But in PE????
As if it's a 'must-do' thing. Capture the flag is sure a fun sport and I can get rid of my stress but mostly what it did was left me more! Ugh. I even got tackled and I'm hurt; mud's are over my PE clothes and *sigh*.
Today was an usual day. I chatted with other people that I normally don't talk to. This maybe because I feel lonely and want to get more social. I think I like being social. :)
I took a color personality assessment thing in Life Issues (health). It was something like this website: http://www.colorcode.com/personality_test/
It consist of gold, white, blue, and red. I got the color blue. It's suppose to mean I am going to be a good friend? And my teacher also said that if I have another friends who is a blue color, she/he and me will be the bestest of friends for a very long time (a life long?).
Running in the rain is sure a dramatic thing. But in PE????
As if it's a 'must-do' thing. Capture the flag is sure a fun sport and I can get rid of my stress but mostly what it did was left me more! Ugh. I even got tackled and I'm hurt; mud's are over my PE clothes and *sigh*.
The Junior High.
I've been spending time here at the new school for what, two weeks now? Something like that.
Guess what?
I actually met some people who I might able to call 'friends'. But it's only a few so if they're absent, I just wonder around the building at lunch.
It's been quite tough for the first couple of days but now I have gotten use to the other human beings that I'm not familiar with.
The education here is incredibly easy compared to NC. This part just does NOT fit me; I feel like I do not belong to this kind of environment. What I had known for are AIG, GE, and what the LEAP? But here it is called the PAGE. Before I even get accepted, I need to take a test to see how well I can do. A little nervous (@_@;)
Now it is beginning to rain. A lot. DRIZZLING & SPRINKLING. So I get wet every now and then, when I walk home from school. I actually don't walk all the way, but like half-way between so my mom can pick me up where the cars aren't crowded.
I've been spending time here at the new school for what, two weeks now? Something like that.
Guess what?
I actually met some people who I might able to call 'friends'. But it's only a few so if they're absent, I just wonder around the building at lunch.
It's been quite tough for the first couple of days but now I have gotten use to the other human beings that I'm not familiar with.
The education here is incredibly easy compared to NC. This part just does NOT fit me; I feel like I do not belong to this kind of environment. What I had known for are AIG, GE, and what the LEAP? But here it is called the PAGE. Before I even get accepted, I need to take a test to see how well I can do. A little nervous (@_@;)
Now it is beginning to rain. A lot. DRIZZLING & SPRINKLING. So I get wet every now and then, when I walk home from school. I actually don't walk all the way, but like half-way between so my mom can pick me up where the cars aren't crowded.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Mariners game
For the last memories of 2010 summer, I saw the Seattle Mariners vs. Minnesota Twins game on live!! I got to say I'm not much of a baseball fan but actually seeing on live is worth to remember. It's really different than just watching on TV since you can see the game from different angles.
The fouls balls went out to the audience and unfortunately, I caught none of them... well, you don't expect to catch one when your 32 rows away from the diamond square.
Soon, I will be expecting to go fishing somewhere this weekend. Today, I'm hoping, but maybe next week.
The school is finally starting on Thursday next week. *sigh*~ the summer is finally over. Not that I want it to.
The fouls balls went out to the audience and unfortunately, I caught none of them... well, you don't expect to catch one when your 32 rows away from the diamond square.
Soon, I will be expecting to go fishing somewhere this weekend. Today, I'm hoping, but maybe next week.
The school is finally starting on Thursday next week. *sigh*~ the summer is finally over. Not that I want it to.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Prep Day
Today was a prep day.
What it did:
*give forms and all the other stuff like registration, allergy info, permission forms, etc...
*take pictures for yearbook/ID card(before school starts??? Kind of strange, don't you think?)
*schedule! (scroll down)
*textbooks (only two, lucky~)=World History, Geometry
*athletic uniform for phys edu
My schedule turned out to be like this:
1. Life Issues (health)
2. Ss9 Wldsty H (I think it says social studies 9, World studies Honors)
3. Physical Science (this part would be Earth Science back in Carrboro) *sigh*~
4. Geometry (no honors available [kinda sucks])
5. En9 Wldsty H (English World studies honors)
6. Fitness 9
That was how exactly the schedule looked like with room numbers and teacher names without my parenthesis thoughts.
And let me explain it a little further...
So, health is semester long. Normal. Social Studies and English, they're pairing courses, which means that you do both honors or none. And those are the only honor courses available in Kalles (the school I'm attending). Ok, Physical science is what it seems like Earth science from the way they're taught, with different names, I think. WHAT THE HECK!!! I wanted to take Biology HONORS and they don't have it! I am so telling the principal that I need and must take biology and my pride depends on it! UGH! Math is gonna suck this year also. Every math class I've ever took has been ridiculously easy, so no problem, I'll just watch the clouds float in the sky during class, AGAIN. English, 'nuff said. Ahhh~ P. E. they are called fitness here, not that strange. Except that I always have gym the last period since middle school (still in it tho)! I don't have to go into detail for that.
Hmm... my ID card picture look awful...and that's the yearbook, too. Great.
What it did:
*give forms and all the other stuff like registration, allergy info, permission forms, etc...
*take pictures for yearbook/ID card(before school starts??? Kind of strange, don't you think?)
*schedule! (scroll down)
*textbooks (only two, lucky~)=World History, Geometry
*athletic uniform for phys edu
My schedule turned out to be like this:
1. Life Issues (health)
2. Ss9 Wldsty H (I think it says social studies 9, World studies Honors)
3. Physical Science (this part would be Earth Science back in Carrboro) *sigh*~
4. Geometry (no honors available [kinda sucks])
5. En9 Wldsty H (English World studies honors)
6. Fitness 9
That was how exactly the schedule looked like with room numbers and teacher names without my parenthesis thoughts.
And let me explain it a little further...
So, health is semester long. Normal. Social Studies and English, they're pairing courses, which means that you do both honors or none. And those are the only honor courses available in Kalles (the school I'm attending). Ok, Physical science is what it seems like Earth science from the way they're taught, with different names, I think. WHAT THE HECK!!! I wanted to take Biology HONORS and they don't have it! I am so telling the principal that I need and must take biology and my pride depends on it! UGH! Math is gonna suck this year also. Every math class I've ever took has been ridiculously easy, so no problem, I'll just watch the clouds float in the sky during class, AGAIN. English, 'nuff said. Ahhh~ P. E. they are called fitness here, not that strange. Except that I always have gym the last period since middle school (still in it tho)! I don't have to go into detail for that.
Hmm... my ID card picture look awful...and that's the yearbook, too. Great.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Japanese noodles at Bellevue, WA
I went to the supermall in Bellevue today~!
It was surprising huge, quite huge as Southpoint in Durham. Or bigger.
The place even had third story in Nordstrom and at the main hall, but not always. Sometimes I forgot if I was on which floor and had to count by the stairs and escalators.
Outside, I found The Cheesecake Factory!! And the Magiano's Little Italy was also be seen on the map.
Where I went to get lunch was Boom Noodles. It was a Japanese noodle place that serves ramen, and soba, soups and mostly Asian food. I couldn't decide what to take since all of the food sounded so good! And I haven't had REAL Japanese ramen for a super long time. By what REAL means, I meant not instant noodles or dried packet ramen since I always eat those at home. But ooohhhh~ the fresh hot soup and pork toppings is the best!
Sorry it kinda looks half eaten. Well, I had to nibble! I was starving!
The ingredients you see on the left is a triangle nori (seaweed).
The ingredients you see on the left is a triangle nori (seaweed).
And the left top corner looks to be the pork.
Plus tons of green onions just floating near the bottom.
Just a random cloud I took the other day. What does it look like to you?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I found out today that blackberries have been growing in nature somewhere in the neighborhood. I didn't get to see where but my sister had picked them and brought them to me. So nice to have fruits without paying money...!
It seems like people back in Chapel Hill already got their schedules and everything for high school. But me, I haven't even got a letter informing which school to attend to. Summer is almost gone, the clouds have overpowered the sun, and is getting colder everyday.
It seems like people back in Chapel Hill already got their schedules and everything for high school. But me, I haven't even got a letter informing which school to attend to. Summer is almost gone, the clouds have overpowered the sun, and is getting colder everyday.
Friday, August 6, 2010
I ate went to 31 Baskin Robins today! It's just near the neighborhood so my my sister and I went to get some delicious ice cream!
Mine was actually frozen yogurt like the ones in TCBY. And it tasted awesome! Healthy, too.
Today was quite chilly as usual but still warm in the afternoon. My room's a bit cold though then the other rooms...
I will find some friends soon! But only when school starts. That's on Sept 1. Not the 25th in August. Heh, I get to rest a bit more! But have to stay in school longer in June...oh well.
Mine was actually frozen yogurt like the ones in TCBY. And it tasted awesome! Healthy, too.
Today was quite chilly as usual but still warm in the afternoon. My room's a bit cold though then the other rooms...
I will find some friends soon! But only when school starts. That's on Sept 1. Not the 25th in August. Heh, I get to rest a bit more! But have to stay in school longer in June...oh well.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sunset from the window
I just took this picture. It's the sunset from my sister's room window. I thought it was some rare times that I get to take pictures like this one.
Today was unusual, I went to the grocery store with my dad and went to the library to return the books I borrowed. My mom wasn't here most of the day since she went to a meeting with all the women for something at my church.
I had bagel with yogurt, tiny poppy seed muffin, clementine, and orange juice for brunch. Even though it was most likely a breakfast since I did eat lunch later today. But the timing was 10' so it was brunch! I think today was unhealthy for me, I ate only sweets and fruits and that was it. Maybe it'll come out tomorrow.
Now, time to brush my teeth and go off to sleep! Good night world!
おやすみ~ (^o^)/
Friday, July 30, 2010
日本語で書きま~す! Japanese post
フリーブランチがでるのでたくさん腹いっぱい食べま~す (^・^)
I felt pretty good today. To express my feelings, I decided to write Japanese and all.
Good night! (^^)/
フリーブランチがでるのでたくさん腹いっぱい食べま~す (^・^)
I felt pretty good today. To express my feelings, I decided to write Japanese and all.
Good night! (^^)/
Sunday, July 18, 2010
I went to space needle!
Since I didn't go all the way up the thing, that was unfortunate but I went to the fair, which was amusing and ate funnel cake!! Finally, I got to eat one of those at like a carnival. I thought it would be more like a cake since the word consist of it, but it was more of a stringy donut with powdered sugar. I wish I taken a picture of that.
And yes, I came all the way from Puyallup to Seattle. Which means, I had to travel on foot during the day.
This is the downtown place where I took a short break
from the long walk.
This is the downtown place where I took a short break
NEXT day, my legs were couldn't be moved much. So, I took the day off, which I almost do everyday... :)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
\(~o~)/ I'm sleepy, as always. I haven't been doing any of book readings even though I should but still, I keep a record of how many books I finish this year. So far, it's like 15. Yeah, I know it's super darn few. I can read comics pretty quick as I'm reading Doraemon right now. Then I'm gonna read HP 7, since the movie is coming Nov and I want to understand it. Last time I watched HP 6, I had no idea what was happening since I didn't read the book, so I won't let that happen again as I will completely finish the Harry Potter series this year! Except maybe for 4th and 5th ones since those are pretty long....
But anyway, the new place is going great. I really wanted my sister's room, mine is a little smaller and she has a spectacular window scenery. Oh, I wish I had her room! Well, at least my room so much cleaner.
Time to eat lunch! I heard it's a peanut butter flavored pasta. Kinda gross but I tried it before and it tastes sweet. I hope it's better than last time!
But anyway, the new place is going great. I really wanted my sister's room, mine is a little smaller and she has a spectacular window scenery. Oh, I wish I had her room! Well, at least my room so much cleaner.
Time to eat lunch! I heard it's a peanut butter flavored pasta. Kinda gross but I tried it before and it tastes sweet. I hope it's better than last time!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
I never did that, did I?
I was just looking back at the past posts and I cam across this particular one. The post on the best day ever, I said that I had to write a letter the next day for being trashy to the sixth graders. But did I ever do it? I cannot quite remember that. Maybe I'll ask the other volunteers that helped with the carnival. This is so strange.
I have also been doing some thinking and somehow those incredibly long pondering has trespassed into my dreams. First, it was the last day of school and it was so off from the real last day of school. I can't quite describe it, but it was odd like it happened before but it never has.
Did I ever say "happy birthday" to Rachel? Oh no. Maybe...
I have also been doing some thinking and somehow those incredibly long pondering has trespassed into my dreams. First, it was the last day of school and it was so off from the real last day of school. I can't quite describe it, but it was odd like it happened before but it never has.
Did I ever say "happy birthday" to Rachel? Oh no. Maybe...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I got the internet back!
For a few weeks, I had to spend the time in the library to use my personal computer. And finally! My family set up the Internet and cable and stuff. So now, I'm back to my old self, insider, loner (new), and reader of people's comments on facebook. Which is weird. I want to explore this new place but I have no intention on doing it. Why am I contradicting so much? Maybe I got a disease where I'm sick on the outside and want to get rid of this sickness in internally!?
Lately, I'm reading The Hot Zone, which I have heard the few chapters in 7th grade in science. I finished half of it. But it's getting monotonous. This book literally have to describe all the procedures that the Institute had to go through! And some people in Africa, according to the book, eats termites and they say it takes like walnuts. By the way, it's gross for a normal person. I'm okay with the bleeding the people dying and crashing down. Eh. I'll live. The Hot Zone is so much like the motaba virus I watched in science class this year.
I must go on and watch the shows that I missed over the week! Good bye
Lately, I'm reading The Hot Zone, which I have heard the few chapters in 7th grade in science. I finished half of it. But it's getting monotonous. This book literally have to describe all the procedures that the Institute had to go through! And some people in Africa, according to the book, eats termites and they say it takes like walnuts. By the way, it's gross for a normal person. I'm okay with the bleeding the people dying and crashing down. Eh. I'll live. The Hot Zone is so much like the motaba virus I watched in science class this year.
I must go on and watch the shows that I missed over the week! Good bye
Monday, June 21, 2010
Welcome to Washington state, farewell to North Carolina
I never knew Washington would be this cold. It's so freezing that I want to put on the heater instead of a/c. So far, I have not seen the blue sky and I wondered how this could happen when in NC, most of the days were sunny and smoking hot.
I also have been dreaming about school lately. My friends and the schools that I've been to appear a lot of times. Then the whole day is wasted by daydreaming, reminiscing the days of middle and elementary schools.
The internet has been off since I came to this place because we have not ordered the cable. That includes the TV so, no entertainment with technology. The only place I have come to use internet was this library, in Sumner.
In the city that I live now, I noticed that the fire hydrants are yellow, not red. This is like the Shelbyville in simpsons, and yes it's disgusting. Another thing, no Harris Teeter or Food Lion. It's Safeway and Fred Meyer. The good thing is that none. I don't like it. Those names are lamest thing I ever heard for a grocery store and stuff.
The discovery I made so far that are good:
*Warajimaya and Kinokuniya (Japanese store and something like Borders)
*Trader Joes !!
*Kalles junior high (where I'm going to)
*Space Needle
and that's pretty much it for now.
I gotta live in this town, so sigh.... I don't know.
I also have been dreaming about school lately. My friends and the schools that I've been to appear a lot of times. Then the whole day is wasted by daydreaming, reminiscing the days of middle and elementary schools.
The internet has been off since I came to this place because we have not ordered the cable. That includes the TV so, no entertainment with technology. The only place I have come to use internet was this library, in Sumner.
In the city that I live now, I noticed that the fire hydrants are yellow, not red. This is like the Shelbyville in simpsons, and yes it's disgusting. Another thing, no Harris Teeter or Food Lion. It's Safeway and Fred Meyer. The good thing is that none. I don't like it. Those names are lamest thing I ever heard for a grocery store and stuff.
The discovery I made so far that are good:
*Warajimaya and Kinokuniya (Japanese store and something like Borders)
*Trader Joes !!
*Kalles junior high (where I'm going to)
*Space Needle
and that's pretty much it for now.
I gotta live in this town, so sigh.... I don't know.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
So, good bye.
I'm so not sad right now since I had a fun time with my friend after graduation. But during the graduation was pretty exciting. I'm a highschooler now!!! Actually, a junior highschooler. But oh my gosh, everyone was so dressed up looked awesome! I hope everyone that I known in middle school had enjoyed it. I didn't take so much pictures today but for rest of the school year, still heck no. That, I'm regretting. Packing up my stuff is so not fun with no air conditioning, and with the hotness, I died.
The part that I'm not gonna see everyone: (T_T)、(crying face). All my friends are so unique and I love every one of them! I will miss them to the ends of the earth! I will never ever forget them!
The graduation was great! Even though I didn't get awards as some people, but I still had fun watching them look nervous...! (^-^)
Sigh, the last day of school, ends. I will be at the airport at 9:00 a.m. Raleigh-Durham airport on Tuesday if anyone wants to see me. So, good bye. But I will go to parties if anyone invites me until Sunday!
The part that I'm not gonna see everyone: (T_T)、(crying face). All my friends are so unique and I love every one of them! I will miss them to the ends of the earth! I will never ever forget them!
The graduation was great! Even though I didn't get awards as some people, but I still had fun watching them look nervous...! (^-^)
Sigh, the last day of school, ends. I will be at the airport at 9:00 a.m. Raleigh-Durham airport on Tuesday if anyone wants to see me. So, good bye. But I will go to parties if anyone invites me until Sunday!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Okay, a little exaggeration on the title. But today was pretty good as best so far from this year. The weather was awesome and sunny; perfect for the Culbreth Carnival. Things were so good! The food, water balloons, teacher dunk tanks, baked goods, watermelons, face painting, and also getting wet! Ohhhh~ I'll miss this day. I can't believe I didn't take any pictures. But I'll hope someone will post them on facebook! But I hate seeing myself in pictures, esp. when everyone can see them. It was so fun! Volunteering was very nice, I got free food by doing that so I'm okay with that.
Some bad thing was that I got hit by the water balloons, they weren't suppose to throw them! They were for a game, to toss them! URG! But oh well, it was getting hot and I needed to cool down... The worst thing that happened at during school was the letter that the A-team had to write to the sixth graders because we destroyed their stuff and the picnic place was messed up. I wasn't even part of that! But I get to do that tomorrow. joy.... (;一_一)
Today was nice. I have to remember that, I laughed so hard like any other day but today seemed special! (^^♪
Some bad thing was that I got hit by the water balloons, they weren't suppose to throw them! They were for a game, to toss them! URG! But oh well, it was getting hot and I needed to cool down... The worst thing that happened at during school was the letter that the A-team had to write to the sixth graders because we destroyed their stuff and the picnic place was messed up. I wasn't even part of that! But I get to do that tomorrow. joy.... (;一_一)
Today was nice. I have to remember that, I laughed so hard like any other day but today seemed special! (^^♪
Monday, May 31, 2010
I went to the last church sunday service yesterday. It seems so that everything is passing away quickly and I think that I didn't live up to my full potential, and regreting it so much. But from the past two days, I kept video taping and taking pictures from my camera. This is so that I can look back and save as a distinct memory. I hope the last few days of school will be everlasting fun and joyous! I hope.
I think I won't be able to go to the 8th grade formal. I know I won't. It's just that I was so excited to go but then I heard the news that I couldn't. I'm more disspointed as ever. (T_T)。
*sigh* Everything is so dissapointing for me right now because of EOCs, the week, people, and schedule. When I look back at the situation when I'm old, let it hope that it was a good time.
I think I won't be able to go to the 8th grade formal. I know I won't. It's just that I was so excited to go but then I heard the news that I couldn't. I'm more disspointed as ever. (T_T)。
*sigh* Everything is so dissapointing for me right now because of EOCs, the week, people, and schedule. When I look back at the situation when I'm old, let it hope that it was a good time.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Should I use this blog for my project?
Or, I can make another blog. But I don't really care if anyone sees my blogs. I should make a quick decision.
What should I do????
What should I do????
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Time to Relax
*sigh, finally the weekends has came to see me!
The terrible week of the EOG's are gone except for EOC. But hey, the big testS are gone and even though I do not know the score, I'm still happy. I didn't get called on any of the teachers, so it means that I did not fail any of them?? If they play a trick on me telling that they forgot, I will be freakin' sad and ****ed off. (muffled)...
Besides, not knowing is the best! I can assume the worst, but more likely the best. I will know my grade as soon as I have time to ask the teachers.
Summer is almost coming! (To me, it's basically IS summer, with all the sweat and humidity.) Today, my room feels so empty and dirty. My mom sold all the beds, couch, and the bookshelves to the neighbors, so there's more space I never seen before.
Tons of stuff is needed to take care of like books, and desks. I hope we will be able to clean the place up before the end of school!
--Emi, the busy bee (for right now)
The terrible week of the EOG's are gone except for EOC. But hey, the big testS are gone and even though I do not know the score, I'm still happy. I didn't get called on any of the teachers, so it means that I did not fail any of them?? If they play a trick on me telling that they forgot, I will be freakin' sad and ****ed off. (muffled)...
Besides, not knowing is the best! I can assume the worst, but more likely the best. I will know my grade as soon as I have time to ask the teachers.
Summer is almost coming! (To me, it's basically IS summer, with all the sweat and humidity.) Today, my room feels so empty and dirty. My mom sold all the beds, couch, and the bookshelves to the neighbors, so there's more space I never seen before.
Tons of stuff is needed to take care of like books, and desks. I hope we will be able to clean the place up before the end of school!
--Emi, the busy bee (for right now)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Should I study?
The EOG's (end-of-grade test) are coming up next week and all my friends are freaked about it. Well, some are just totally cool with that, since they got nothin to worry about. But I, on the other hand, seem not natural. I say I'm ready for it, but then I think back, "or do I?". It should be easy, am I going to fail or pass? Failing is not okay. It's embarassing.
So, I'm gonna study so that I will be sure to be able to pass. I'm doing excellent on Language Art's EOG review. But so-so in Math. I think Science is going to be hard because I forgot some stuff throughout the year. Sigh. I'm tired.
I won't be able to post sometime next week since I'll be extremely exausted.
Wish me luck, (;一_一)
So, I'm gonna study so that I will be sure to be able to pass. I'm doing excellent on Language Art's EOG review. But so-so in Math. I think Science is going to be hard because I forgot some stuff throughout the year. Sigh. I'm tired.
I won't be able to post sometime next week since I'll be extremely exausted.
Wish me luck, (;一_一)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Itsukushima jinjya no omiyage
To translate, souvenir from Itsukushima Shrine
So, I had these friends (actually my mom's friend) who went to Japan, and Tokyo too, during spring break and bought souvenirs from my family.
I asked them for mine to be an omamori. Which is a good-luck charm that are said to have a god inside to keep you safe (if you buy them). And there are like tons of types like traffic safety, easy child-birth, health, love and mine is to help me with study. The Gakugyou Omamori~!
But I didn't ask for this one! I just said like family protection-ish omamori. And I heard that it only lasts about a year, which isn't long so I better use the best of it.
I asked them for mine to be an omamori. Which is a good-luck charm that are said to have a god inside to keep you safe (if you buy them). And there are like tons of types like traffic safety, easy child-birth, health, love and mine is to help me with study. The Gakugyou Omamori~!
I finally got use to uploading pictures on blogs. It's fairly easy~
Peace! (^_^)v
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Oh, How I Miss the Taste of Peanut Butter.
Yesterday, my mom and I went to this really big house like 10 acres of land or something. And the purpose was to make sushi for lunch. mmmm Sushi... >□< I probably got a little fatter since I ate like tons of sushi and ice cream for dessert.
Anyway, so my mom tasted (I didn't) this really really tasty dressing for noodles and she tried to make one at home. But, she did not have the main ingredient, peanut butter. So it tasted very different as Mom said.
No wonder. No peanut butter. In Harris Teeter today, I went to the isle of bread and right near was a bottle of peanut butter! So, I was like holding and smelling it. Mom looked at me like I was going crazy. and I was.
Without peanut butter, I am nothing.
Anyway, so my mom tasted (I didn't) this really really tasty dressing for noodles and she tried to make one at home. But, she did not have the main ingredient, peanut butter. So it tasted very different as Mom said.
No wonder. No peanut butter. In Harris Teeter today, I went to the isle of bread and right near was a bottle of peanut butter! So, I was like holding and smelling it. Mom looked at me like I was going crazy. and I was.
Without peanut butter, I am nothing.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Busch Gardens!
I went to the Wilimington, VA for the field trip just yesterday!
The day before the big event, I went shackin' to Liza's place. It was freaking awesome!!!
Even though the rain had been really cold and painful, it was the most funnest thing ever!
When I was riding like the really fast ones (roller coaster), the rain felt like hail, painful.
But the good thing about the rain was that no lines for waiting to get rides, the short amounts of min. to get high!
OHhh.... (>_<)
My partner and I was always lost, even though we had a wet map. Maybe it was because wet.
I think I might need a rest for today or go to another person's for shackin.
The day before the big event, I went shackin' to Liza's place. It was freaking awesome!!!
Even though the rain had been really cold and painful, it was the most funnest thing ever!
When I was riding like the really fast ones (roller coaster), the rain felt like hail, painful.
But the good thing about the rain was that no lines for waiting to get rides, the short amounts of min. to get high!
OHhh.... (>_<)
My partner and I was always lost, even though we had a wet map. Maybe it was because wet.
I think I might need a rest for today or go to another person's for shackin.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
you know, i just posted like a lot of stuff before today then error has occured and now i have to start all over again!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
BIG books
I realized that I cannot finish BIG books in a short amount of time.
This is why:
first, I read the cover pages
second, I read the intro half way
then, I understand it the details in several chapters
This is the normal thing written above.
Now, this is the actual reason:
1). I don't read for couple of days
2). Then I read couple of chapters
3). I forget what happen in the last chapters
4). I slowly become aware of that... but still keep reading, thinking of other things instead of what's happening in the story. (Bad Choice)
Well, I don't feel like doing work today. Instead, I listen to music while having fun on facebook. I know that it's bad. I should change this kind of lifestyle! This is what I want to make a change in the world. (not that written above) But to get away from the LAZINESS! Why am I writing it in capitals? Anyway, that's kind of what I'm doing in Language Arts so, it came up in my mind.
Wish me luck on the quiz tomorrow!
This is why:
first, I read the cover pages
second, I read the intro half way
then, I understand it the details in several chapters
This is the normal thing written above.
Now, this is the actual reason:
1). I don't read for couple of days
2). Then I read couple of chapters
3). I forget what happen in the last chapters
4). I slowly become aware of that... but still keep reading, thinking of other things instead of what's happening in the story. (Bad Choice)
Well, I don't feel like doing work today. Instead, I listen to music while having fun on facebook. I know that it's bad. I should change this kind of lifestyle! This is what I want to make a change in the world. (not that written above) But to get away from the LAZINESS! Why am I writing it in capitals? Anyway, that's kind of what I'm doing in Language Arts so, it came up in my mind.
Wish me luck on the quiz tomorrow!
Monday, February 1, 2010
This is the first time of the year that snowed and got school canceled. There was the other day that we got school out early but not canceled like this one. And today, Monday, it was canceled and tomorrow is also gonna be canceled. When there was the ring that came like at 5, I thought is it the school!? Actually, I said it. Everytime it got close to saying something I wanted it to be said, I was like YES, YES, YES!!
THe snow for me wasn't all that great, since I didn't get to go out. When I did go out, I was alone. Now that my sister's in high school and has a lot of homework, she goes to bed like at 2 and gets up at 1 if there is no school. I wish there was someone to play with who live close to me...
If the city bus was working, I would've gone on it and ride to friends' house. Or, I could've walked but I wonder why I didn't do that.
Anyway, the (Unification) church was canceled on Sunday and my family and I got to watch the video of In Jin Moon with the Lovin' Life Ministries. Usually, I would watch it on the big screen, but I had to watch it on the computer.
The snow day has a lot of good things yet, it can bring some disadvantages...
But it was all great and fantastic and happy mostly!
THe snow for me wasn't all that great, since I didn't get to go out. When I did go out, I was alone. Now that my sister's in high school and has a lot of homework, she goes to bed like at 2 and gets up at 1 if there is no school. I wish there was someone to play with who live close to me...
If the city bus was working, I would've gone on it and ride to friends' house. Or, I could've walked but I wonder why I didn't do that.
Anyway, the (Unification) church was canceled on Sunday and my family and I got to watch the video of In Jin Moon with the Lovin' Life Ministries. Usually, I would watch it on the big screen, but I had to watch it on the computer.
The snow day has a lot of good things yet, it can bring some disadvantages...
But it was all great and fantastic and happy mostly!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Service for Peace
I just went to the service for peace in Raleigh for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It was absolutely amazing. I had a lot of fun by the way, even though there was a little accident preparing the food. One thing at a time can and will make a difference, right? By doing service work, the selfish and greedy emotion or feelings just goes away and gives unselfish personality to oneself.
And yes, it was a volunteer thing and no money of course. But I helped with preparing the food and after that, I got to eat a whole bunch. It started at 12:00 and ended at 4:00. I ate breakfast at 8:00. So I was pretty hungry and since it was about that time, it included my lunch and dinner.
I was thinking of going to another service work on Monday but my sister have a denitist appointment and my mom said I couldn't go. I think it would've more fun than today because it was to plant trees and stuff. And I was also thinking of bringing my friends there to help. I would have been lots of fun!!
It's a four day weekend. I'm not going to make it a day off, it's a day on and a day of service!
And yes, it was a volunteer thing and no money of course. But I helped with preparing the food and after that, I got to eat a whole bunch. It started at 12:00 and ended at 4:00. I ate breakfast at 8:00. So I was pretty hungry and since it was about that time, it included my lunch and dinner.
I was thinking of going to another service work on Monday but my sister have a denitist appointment and my mom said I couldn't go. I think it would've more fun than today because it was to plant trees and stuff. And I was also thinking of bringing my friends there to help. I would have been lots of fun!!
It's a four day weekend. I'm not going to make it a day off, it's a day on and a day of service!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I have been nothing at all. this week.
and i have nothing to share...
It feels so slow, but yet it feels fast.
I hope nothing goes wrong.
It's so hard to type when I'm listening to the song and singing at the same time.
oh~ oh. OH~ oh
that's what it said right now. I am seriously.
I think that it's not that interesting.
I will go on facebook now and read what other people write.
this song is awesome!
yeah. no one will understand it though. This must be the first time I'm posting a video to watch
and i have nothing to share...
It feels so slow, but yet it feels fast.
I hope nothing goes wrong.
It's so hard to type when I'm listening to the song and singing at the same time.
oh~ oh. OH~ oh
that's what it said right now. I am seriously.
I think that it's not that interesting.
I will go on facebook now and read what other people write.
this song is awesome!
yeah. no one will understand it though. This must be the first time I'm posting a video to watch
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy God's Day!
During the winter break, many things have happened.
For all those people that doesn't know about Unification Church, I really need to explain. But there's already a website for it! Check out http://www.familyfed.org/!!!
On Jan. 1, 2010 there was the celebration of 43rd true God's day! I went to the triangle family church in Durham where I did hoon dok hae with all the NC members (except for some people far away like at the beach). It was so fun! The high school workshop people did like skits, the middle school people (including me!) did a magic show, which was very magical. Plus, the youth exchanged presents for secret santa where I got reese's cup chocolates!! Yay for me!!
As I'm writing this blog post, I'm enjoying the view of fresh, breezing nature right outside of the library window. I came here so that my sister can finish reading for project. AND staying for almost 6 hours...
Just a week ago, I went to the middle school workshop and the theme was Highway 596. 596 is true father's prison number. Since the talks was about his early and prison years, and about mind&body unity, and God's heart. My father lecture/preach me a lot, I mostly knew what they were talking about (They=Gene, Benjy, Lerato, David, and Aunt Lucy). But, it reminded me about how I should do think more often about my parents. And how much they sacrificed for me.
When my mom said that I'm not getting any presents this year, she wasn't kidding. I seriously didn't get anything. As much for economic crisis, this family is suffering too. But I don't think so! All I need is love! That makes want to sing the beatles...
For all those people that doesn't know about Unification Church, I really need to explain. But there's already a website for it! Check out http://www.familyfed.org/!!!
On Jan. 1, 2010 there was the celebration of 43rd true God's day! I went to the triangle family church in Durham where I did hoon dok hae with all the NC members (except for some people far away like at the beach). It was so fun! The high school workshop people did like skits, the middle school people (including me!) did a magic show, which was very magical. Plus, the youth exchanged presents for secret santa where I got reese's cup chocolates!! Yay for me!!
As I'm writing this blog post, I'm enjoying the view of fresh, breezing nature right outside of the library window. I came here so that my sister can finish reading for project. AND staying for almost 6 hours...
Just a week ago, I went to the middle school workshop and the theme was Highway 596. 596 is true father's prison number. Since the talks was about his early and prison years, and about mind&body unity, and God's heart. My father lecture/preach me a lot, I mostly knew what they were talking about (They=Gene, Benjy, Lerato, David, and Aunt Lucy). But, it reminded me about how I should do think more often about my parents. And how much they sacrificed for me.
When my mom said that I'm not getting any presents this year, she wasn't kidding. I seriously didn't get anything. As much for economic crisis, this family is suffering too. But I don't think so! All I need is love! That makes want to sing the beatles...
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