Sunday, April 11, 2010


Itsukushima jinjya no omiyage
To translate, souvenir from Itsukushima Shrine
So, I had these friends (actually my mom's friend) who went to Japan, and Tokyo too, during spring break and bought souvenirs from my family.
I asked them for mine to be an omamori. Which is a good-luck charm that are said to have a god inside to keep you safe (if you buy them). And there are like tons of types like traffic safety, easy child-birth, health, love and mine is to help me with study. The Gakugyou Omamori~! But I didn't ask for this one! I just said like family protection-ish omamori. And I heard that it only lasts about a year, which isn't long so I better use the best of it.

Oh, and my sister got this really incredibly cute rirakkuma keychain. My family got a package of Tokyo Banana~~~! Man, I love bananas.

I finally got use to uploading pictures on blogs. It's fairly easy~
Peace! (^_^)v


  1. The omamori thing kind of looks like a tea bag...

  2. kaelen the one and onlyApril 12, 2010 at 6:58 PM

    nice :) very cute. looove the teddy bear

  3. i agree with Kaelen!!! the teddy bear is immensly ADORABLE!!!!!

  4. yeah, I wished I ordered that. Instead of the stupid little tea bag...
    But at least I can feel it working or somewhat

  5. kaelen the one and onlyApril 16, 2010 at 9:30 PM

    :) wow emi. tea is good tho!!! u can drink it. u cant drink teddy bears

  6. Well, teddy bears are better since they can last longer than tea. You digest tea. You hug teddy bears.
