Monday, August 29, 2011

Truths of New School

   It's nerve racking, some might say. The transition from a junior high to high school is a familiar experience for me. As to a completely new environment. I'm not the type to say I moved around a lot and went to 15 schools in 10 years. Because I haven't. Only what, like 5 in 10 years. I got used to it, knowing it's almost like the previous time, nothing's changed at all, really.

   For me, it's like, "is it that time of the year already? Guess I'll take a drive to the mall and plead to mum to buy new pair of jeans." You see, the realization hasn't sunk in deep yet. I'm still that same girl who graduated from 9th grade in June. I haven't thought about too much, of beginning another year where the school is dominated by seniors.

   The routine of summer is ending. Every week over the summer, it's been like "late TV series night, sleep at 1'o, wake 10'o, da da da" Lazy and lazy. As I got my letter for school lists last week, I thought,"Yeah, I won't able to do this much more." At that time, I never really gave it a big thought, but I now it is starting to settle in a bit, since school starts in about 3 days. But it's something everyone has to deal with, I suppose.

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